Sunday, April 3, 2016

So Long For Now

I believe there are moments in life that need to be an absolute. Some things are just meant to be done, regardless of how hard it might be....and some times those hard things really weren't that hard at all.....They were just very much needed.

Saying goodbye to a friend that is dying of cancer is hard, but knowing that she is ready to meet her Jesus makes the moment easier.  And I have to say I am jealous...I told her so with a smile....Told her she gets to see Him before I do.....She smiles and agrees, tells me she can't wait. Words like that make the "Goodbyes" turn into "So long for nows". Makes my heart sing.

I sit down beside this once strong woman turned frail over night. I grab her hand and we both cry....I kiss her forehead and we pray her home.  I tell God she's ready. Tell Him we are so thankful for the life given. So thankful He loves beyond what we could. Thankful for the Cross.

Words are shared and it's moments like this that fear has no place...Because the love flows freely when time grows short. Makes you wanna say everything you never did before.......Even in the dying the Believer has overcome that scary place we call death.

There was one thing that was overwhelmingly real when I walked in the room...I felt it right away. It was the peace that she has with in her. Seemed to bubble up over into the room. Says she likes being out on the porch, brings her closer to nature...closer to the earth......Up from the dust we came...Back to the dirt we return. We feel close to the Potter who molds the clay. Says she is ready to meet her Maker. It's funny, this thing we call life...A big part of me is celebrating her home going, but that other little selfish part, the part that hates to let them go kicks in and makes moments hard to swallow.

Sometimes we just need to be still.......even the quiet words can be over bearing and loud.....She says the words don't come as easy as her thoughts do.....Her memories are flooding her mind and filling up her soul.....I believe she is fueling up for the journey home. And the memories that she will leave behind, the legacy that she has to give is the glue to hold her loved ones close.

Life is what we make it. Moments are how we react to them. Memories are the people we serve and love on while we are here. I know she has made the best of her time while here on this patch of earth. No doubt her glue will hold her family close.

And Trudy I feel that I failed you as a neighbor....Sure should of been around to see you more than I did.......Sure should of been a better example than I was. Please know you are loved by me. Tell Don I miss him...We all do! So thankful for your sweet friendship.

So long for now sweet sister,