Saturday, October 28, 2017

Gentle Rain

We made a promise, her and I...... Before we even bought one flower or talked about the food. We promised we would make even the planning, part of the very best of memories in the making. Told her I would share my thoughts but, when it came down to it......It would be her that would ultimately decide how her day would be. I want her to enjoy every minute...I want to enjoy every last minute....No one enjoys a hard rain. It’s the gentle rains that make things grow.

Somehow this cute little blue eyed girl that used to put on her own “stiplicks” (Lipstick)grew up before I could take a deep breath...Seems she was rushed out the door before I could get a grip. Seems her chubby little face thinned out and she grew tall and I only had to blink once. I remember giving her baths in the sink. She was all thighs and smiles. Always happy. Always wanting to please.

And if you were to ask me years ago what I envisioned her to be when she grew up? I would of told you that she would be strong. Always holding her chin up. She would walk into a room and light up the place. She would be my Sunshine girl.....She would be the girl I always wanted to be. Confident. Loving. She would hold the light of the Son. She would be exactly what she is right now.

I get a text the other day.....” If I ever have a kid,  I’m gonna name her after you. Everliegh Jean. These are the things I think about when I’m all by myself.” I can’t even begin to tell you what that did for my heart! You always want your kids to love you....Always wanting them to stay close...And when they do, well It’s truly all God! Because if it were up to just me I would of failed miserably....Tears seem to fall so easily now, but truly they are tears of JOY. Thanking my God for the precious gift of being their Mama. 

I told her when she got that ring and she started to plan her fairytale, that if you allow God in every nook and cranny of this wedding......If God is in this with you, You will see need after need be filled. You will see the blessings come down like a steady gentle rain. And Truly the gentle rain has been so refreshing. There would be a need. We would wonder how we could get that need filled and the very next day someone would come up to us and fulfill that need with out us asking.....I believe God Has
 been a part of this from day 1. 

I look forward to the 4 weeks ahead. May the blessings fall like rain. And the memories continue to flood my mind as tears of Joy overflow my heart.....Love you Sunshine!

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