The deep woody undertones of this rich earth can bring about a calm like nothing else can.....Putting your hands in the dirt puts your soul at ease. Brings rhythm to your heart. Makes you remember with every fiber of your being who you are and from what you are made of.
The senses bring about life. Make memories come alive. All that used to be, brought to the fore front of your mind.
A certain breeze brings about a scent and can whisk you away, if only for a moment. It's amazing how your mind travels back in time, but your vessel stays put. Leaving you in two places at once.....Something only God knows how to create.
This traveling through time is an old endeavor. Never once has any man made any such adventure. Because truly your past has been put behind you for a reason. Going back only keeps you from looking and moving ahead. And God has so much more planned for your future. Your past does not define what's ahead. It's only meant to mold and refine who you are to be. Holding on to what was keeps you imprisoned from living this God given life. Keeps you from making beautiful fragrant memories. Keeps you in shackles from learning and growing. Makes you blind to what's up ahead. Hardens your heart. Makes your soul forget whose you are.
You. Are. deep woody undertones of this rich earth. You were made to make things come alive. And to let others know of this life. Don't ever forget where you have been. But remember your past is just that, it's only your past. It's time to let it be, and move forward. Memories can be beautiful and they can also be wretched, but both are important and bring about wisdom. Trials are for warriors, and you are a WARRIOR. So fight the good fight my beloved. You were called for such a time as this!